
26 Emmerdale pictures ‘confirm’ another two exits as one legend faces jail

It’s a race against time in Emmerdale next week as one resident goes missing with a baby in tow, as previewed in Metro’s newest picture gallery which features 26 detailed snaps of the action.

The ITV soap has saw emotions heightened throughout the whole month of January – and February promises to be no different, with big developments in store for the residents of the eponymous village.

Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) in particular has had a tough start to 2024, following Gus Malcolms’ (Alan McKenna) decision to leave baby Ivy in her care. Despite some reservations from her loved ones, Rhona has coped admirably, and both she and everyone around her has fallen in love with the little tot.

But with Gus now back in her life Rhona faces heartbreak, as confirmed in my aforementioned pictures, with Gus adamant that he’s ready to look after Ivy, wanting her back full-time

Oh boy.

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Knowing full well that his wife will be devastated by such news, Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) takes it upon himself to broach the subject of co-parenting with Gus – but Gus simply won’t hear of it! In fact, Rhona’s ex is intending to move to France, with Rhona left fearing that she’ll never see her baby girl again.

Determined to ensure this doesn’t happen, Rhona swiftly takes off with all her belongings and Ivy in tow. Marlon and Mary Goskirk (Louise Jameson) are left fearing the worst but can they track Rhona down and talk sense into her before it’s too late?

I certainly hope so! Ivy needs all the love in the world right now given all that she’s been through thus far.

And it’s not just the residents of Smithy cottage that have heartbreak lined up for the next week as, over at Tug Ghyll, Nate Robinson’s (Jurell Carter) world is about to be ripped to shreds.

Struggling with her feelings for Caleb Miligan (William Ash), Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) comes to the conclusion that she must end her marriage and thus she confronts Nate and tells him she doesn’t love him anymore.

Emmerdale gallery w/c Monday February 5
With a shock betrayal, a kidnap plot and heightened emotions on the cards, Emmerdale doesn’t hold back, with one of its biggest weeks in a while (Picture: ITV)

Nate is absolutely heartbroken and storms out of the house. But where does he go? Well, you see that’s where it gets really interesting because it’s none other than his uncle and secret love rival Caleb who offers him a bed for the night.

Yikes with an extra helping of yikes! Talk about making things complicated. Caleb is certainly playing with fire.

If you haven’t gathered yet from my detailed pictures or descriptive teases, next week is going to be one to watch!

Emmerdale airs these scenes between Monday, February 5 and Friday, February 9 at 7:30pm on ITV1 and ITVX. 


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