
Emmerdale’s Danny Miller fears being killed off as Aaron Dingle is hit with tragic story

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Aaron at Mill Cottage receiving his test results in Emmerdale
It’s a huge day for Cain, Caleb and Aaron (Picture: ITV)

There are mixed feelings for Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter)’s brothers and son in upcoming Emmerdale episodes when Cain (Jeff Hordley), Caleb (William Ash) and Aaron (Danny Miller) get their BRCA2 gene test results back. Chas had urged her family members to have the test after discovering that the breast cancer she’s currently being treated for had a genetic link.

While there’s good news for some, there’s a shock in store for Aaron, as Danny Miller explained.

‘Aaron ends up being positive for it,’ he told us. He added that his character’s reaction is to keep the news to himself.

‘I think he’s always been one of those who doesn’t like the constant eyes and attention on him.

‘And if he was to tell people straight away when he’s not dealt with it himself, he’s likely to get a lot of people asking him if he’s alright, which is the worst question you can ask him really, because he’s just that type of person and he doesn’t like the questions.

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‘So yeah, he’s happy that everyone else is negative. Secretly he’s going along with it that he’s negative as well, when really he’s positive and I think it’s almost like a defence mechanism where he’s like: “I’m negative and if I see it like that, no-one needs to know.” That’s kind of where his head’s at.’

While Aaron might be in denial about the test results, Danny had a different reaction when he heard which way the storyline was going to go for his character.

‘We got given some research on the BRCA2 gene and it’s a very interesting and untold story as far as I know, in terms of Emmerdale and soap in general,’ he said. ‘But obviously as time goes on, and if they do end up having the BRCA2 gene or whatever, it’s almost like a ticking time-bomb of if it’s ever triggered.’

Cain, Caleb and Aaron speak to Chas in the pub in Emmerdale
Aaron was initially reluctant to take the genetic test (Picture: ITV)

And of course if the worst should happen and Aaron also develops cancer, it could mean a storyline that ends in his early death – a prospect that Danny didn’t relish having only just rejoined the soap.

‘I honestly thought: “Oh no, I’ve just moved to Leeds, please don’t kill me off!”’ he recalled.

‘I don’t know whether they’re going to explore it. They certainly haven’t told me if they are. It sets it in that there’s the potential that it could trigger in Aaron, that he at some point would have to deal with that side of things.’

While hoping for the best as far as Aaron is concerned, Danny told us that he felt it was an important story for the show to explore.

‘It’s naïve of me to not think about male breast cancer,’ he admitted.

‘I spoke to a couple of other people here, males, and they didn’t know about it so it would be an interesting story to play and I think it’s difficult to not think that it’ll be something that’ll come at some time. I’d be interested in playing that story and hopefully he gets over it.

‘We’ll wait and see what the producers and the storyliners want to do with it. I think it’ll be interesting to tell but fingers crossed it’d be a story that’s told with great care and detail and a positive outcome – for Aaron and for me!’


Source: https://edition.cnn.com/

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