
‘Messed up’ Rhona Goskirk daunted over going to prison after ‘disgusting’ fight in Emmerdale

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Rhona takes to the stand in Emmerdale
Rhona is terrified of going to prison (Picture: ITV)

Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) is left daunted at the thought of going to prison in upcoming Emmerdale scenes.

After being charged with kidnapping baby Ivy, Rhona is due up in court in the coming days where her future will finally be decided.

‘She’s terrified. There’s a lot at stake,’ actress Zoe Henry revealed. ‘Not just the thought that she’s going to lose Ivy but that she’s going to end up in prison herself and lose her husband and her two other children.

‘So it’s a really terrifying time for her because she knows what she did was wrong and she’s chosen to try and tell the truth which she feels is the right thing to do but of course that’s a bit of a risky business. So she’s panicking.’

As the witnesses take to the stand, Rhona is horrified when Gus (Alan McKenna) twists the narrative.

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‘He really lays it on thick,’ Zoe teased. ‘He’s the one who talks about the drug addiction, the kidnap and how she abandoned her other two kids. He couldn’t be more damning if he tried.

‘The interesting thing about this story is when everybody gets up and tells the truth, it is the truth but it’s quite damning. It doesn’t really matter how you try and sell what Rhona’s done, it’s pretty awful.’

When it is Rhona’s turn to take the stand, she begins to lose her composure as the prosecution make accusations about her character, and ends up lashing out at Gus.

Gus takes the stand in Emmerdale
Gus doesn’t hold back in the stand (Picture: ITV)

As the judge adjourns for the day, Rhona is left kicking herself at getting so upset.

‘She feels like she’s really messed up. She loses her temper, which is very Rhona-like. She’s just very passionate. Her mouth runs away with her, really, but she can’t help it.

‘She’s says “The law is an ass” in the stand, which is not going to impress any jury, but she speaks from the heart. I suppose she’s 95% sure she’s done herself no favours, but 5% of “I told the truth and the truth is what matters”.’

On the way out, Rhona bumps into Gus, and it is safe to say the relationship between them is beyond fractured.

‘It’s pretty disgusting. He’s awful, he’s vile to her. They bump into each other in the corridor and Rhona can’t resist approaching him and saying, “Whatever’s happened let’s just do what we can for Ivy” and he’s just vile.

‘I understand it, I think, as Zoe not as Rhona. At this point it feels like there’s absolutely no reconciling those two.’

As Rhona awaits her fate, will she be found guilty, or will she be free to return home?

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