
Big shock as two Emmerdale icons quit their jobs

Nicola holds her head in her hands in Emmerdale
Nicola has to make a decision (Picture: ITV)

It’s the end of an era for two of Emmerdale’s key characters in upcoming episodes when they resign from their jobs in the wake of family tragedies.

For Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler), being on the council has been a source of huge pride. Nicola loves being important and in the centre of things, and being a councillor has helped her to be right at the centre of local life. In fact, she was even seriously considering standing as mayor.

Then things took a shocking turn. In the wake of the death of Heath Hope (Sebastian Dowling) in a car accident which also involved Cathy Hope (Gabrielle Dowling) and Nicola’s daughter Angelica (Rebecca Bakes), Nicola was shocked when 14 year old Angelica confessed that she’d been driving the car when it went out of control and Heath was killed.

Nicola’s husband Jimmy (Nick Miles) came up with a plan to keep Angelica out of prison and coached her to lie about what had happened to the police. In Jimmy’s mind Cathy was still responsible as the one who’d stolen the car and he was just doing whatever it took to keep his daughter safe.

Angelica overheard her parents talking about how difficult all this was for Cathy and Heath’s dad Bob (Tony Audenshaw), and she ran over to the B&B to confess, also confessing formally at the police station. She was arrested for causing death by dangerous driving.

Following all of this, Nicola knows that her position on the council is untenable and with a heavy heart she resigns from her post.

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Nicola, Angelica and Jimmy prepare to leave the Emmerdale village for court
The family are facing a stressful time (Picture: ITV)

‘Basically I think Nicola is firefighting and thinking, “The likelihood is I will be asked to leave if my daughter receives a conviction so I may as well hold my head up and go in there and resign before it happens,”’ Nicola Wheeler told us.

As the Kings face their child possibly going to prison, neighbour Jai Sharma (Chris Bisson) is also dealing with the grief of losing a family member.

Jai and Suni in The Hide in Emmerdale
Jai makes a major decision (Picture: ITV)

His beloved father, Rishi (Bhasker Patel), died last year and Jai has recently learned that the man who is in fact his biological father, Rishi’s brother Amit (Anil Goutam), was with Rishi when he died. In fact Jai is still suspicious that Amit may have pushed Rishi down the stairs to his death, something that Amit denies.

Jai has already had several run-ins with Amit at the Hide and has tried to stop him coming in to his workplace.

So when Gabby (Rosie Bentham) reveals that Amit has bought an interest in the business, Jai is seething with anger and it’s not long before the two men are clashing once again.

Jai tries to avoid Amit by taking time off sick, as Laurel (Charlotte Bellamy) becomes frustrated by his actions and his feud with Amit.

Then things reach a low point for Jai when Gabby is patronising towards him – and Jai resigns on the spot.

A despairing Laurel is left to wonder if there’s anything she can do to mend things between Jai and Amit – but is it too late?

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