
Emmerdale fans reel as Belle Dingle’s real name is revealed

Belle sitting in the pub in Emmerdale
Belle’s real name came as a huge shock for fans (Picture: ITV)

Dingle weddings are never a quiet affair in Emmerdale – more often than not consisting of rowdy guests, welly drinking and a punch up or two.

Though all of this is a joy to watch, our personal favourite part of any Dingle wedding is the vows, where we’re given a reminder of just how outlandish some of our favourite characters’ real names are.

This was certainly the case during Belle Dingle’s (Eden Taylor-Draper) chaotic wedding to Tom King (James Chase).

The young Dingle has always been referred to as ‘Belle’, so Emmerdale fans would justified in assuming that that was her full name. However, much like Chas Dingle’s (Lucy Pargeter) name is short for Chastity, Belle’s name is also a shortened version of her actual name: Tinkerbelle.

While none of the Dingles nor Belle’s future husband were fazed by the use of her full name, newcomer Ruby Fox-Miligan couldn’t hold in her laughter.

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Every time vicar Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin) mentioned the name Tinkerbelle, Ruby burst into hysterics, insisting that ‘it never gets old!’.

Emmerdale fans were equally as amused, taking to social media to express their shock at Belle’s real name, with many not realising that Belle was short for Tinkerbelle.

Belle and Tom smiling at each other outside the church on their wedding day in Emmerdale
Belle and Tom tied the knot (Picture: ITV)

Others had completely forgotten about her real name, while some were left in complete hysterics after finding out.

Not only is it unusual, Belle’s real name doesn’t fit into the pattern of Dingle names, which is another reason why it may come as such a shock.

Most of the Dingles actually have biblical names, and while we haven’t read the bible in a while, we’re pretty sure there isn’t a Tinkerbelle in there!


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