
Emmerdale spoilers: Emotional exit for Chas Dingle amid heartbreaking cancer story

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Lucy Pargeter, who plays Chas Dingle in Emmerdale
A decision is made (Picture: ITV)

Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) has the weight of the world on her shoulders having received her breast cancer diagnosis. But having not yet told a soul, the burden becomes too much, and she decides to leave Emmerdale.

Chas is crumbling in the wake of the big C-word as she continues to act like nothing has happened, with only Liam (Jonny McPherson) and Lydia (Karen Blick) in the know. Liam is anxious about the fact she won’t tell anyone and dons his GP hat in an attempt to get through to her.

Liam sees what she’s doing as a grave mistake at a time when she needs all the support in the world.

For Chas, it’s not so much that she’s burying her head in the sand as it is that all of this is coming at her at 100 miles an hour.

Sensing this, Liam gently tries to help her see the benefits of telling her family. His determination flips a switch in stoic Chas as she realises that perhaps she does need their support, she doesn’t have to be strong all the time.

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The Dingles gather around Chas at the pub after she reveals her cancer diagnosis in Emmerdale
Chas tells her family (Picture: ITV)

The family are gathered in the pub and Chas reveals her frightening news, leaving the family reeling. Aaron (Danny Miller) is there listening in, but Chas is heartbroken as she realises that he plans to just up and leave. Not even news that his mother faces a battle for her life can thaw that icy heart.

Mack (Lawrence Robb) judges Aaron hard at his decision to walk, but Aaron is just left annoyed at Mack’s insistence. There’s no getting through that thick skull.

Paddy (Dominic Brunt) and Chas now have the unthinkable next step to contend with – telling Eve. They choose their moment carefully and try their best to explain what’s going on.

It prompts a huge decision for Chas, who decides the best thing to do is to leave. Paddy is gutted as Chas reveals plans to take Eve on holiday without him.

Will she be back?


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