
Emmerdale spoilers: Paddy Kirk makes huge vow to Chas Dingle as she tells Eve about her cancer in emotional moment

Paddy and Chas tell Eve about Chas's cancer in Emmerdale
It was another emotional day for Chas (Picture: ITV)

Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) turned her attention to Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) and their daughter Eve in Wednesday’s (January 31) episode of Emmerdale and prepared to tell them both about her cancer.

Recently, Chas headed to the hospital and was told she has the same breast cancer as her mum Faith (Sally Dexter), who died in 2022. The doctor tried to reassure Chas and said while the diagnosis is the same as her Mum’s, no two cases are alike.

After help from Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson), Chas then decided to tell her Dingle family about her cancer.

And tonight, the focus was on daughter Eve and ex-partner Paddy.

The episode opened with Chas paying a visit to Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) at Mill Cottage flat. They agreed yesterday to try and mend their relationship, but awkwardly chatting over bacon sarnies and tomato sauce highlighted they certainly have a long way to go.

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When Paddy and Eve arrived, Aaron took his sister outside so Chas could open up to Paddy. She revealed her diagnosis and was touched when Paddy said he would be there to help Chas explain the illness to Eve.

Chas speaks to Eve about her cancer in Emmerdale
Chas told Eve that she has cancer like her Granny Faith (Picture: ITV)

The former couple sat Eve down and explained that Chas has a ‘little bit of cancer’ in her breast like Granny Faith. Paddy said the ‘fancy medicines’ would make Chas better, but Eve worried them both when she pointed out the medicines didn’t help her Granny.

As Aaron and Eve headed off to Mandy Dingle’s (Lisa Riley) salon, Paddy told Chas that she needed to accept his help, and would be there for her ‘day or night’.

Chas pointed out that Mandy probably needs to know about him making such a huge commitment, but Paddy simply said that wasn’t needed because Chas is Eve and Grace’s mum, and will ‘never not be important’ to him.

As they sat down, Chas reflected on her chat with Eve and the long road that lies ahead.

‘She’s not going to lose me’, she told Paddy.

‘Not while she’s still a kid’.


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