
Emmerdale spoilers: Tracy Metcalfe dumps Caleb Milligan as wife Ruby vows to destroy divorce plan

Tracy glaring at Caleb in Emmerdale
Tracy made her position clear to a blindsided Caleb (Picture: ITV)

Tracy Metcalfe (Amy Walsh) and Caleb Milligan (William Ash) had been engaging in a sordid affair in Emmerdale, but the arrival of Caleb’s wife Ruby (Beth Cordingly) in recent things has put a stop to their salacious activities.

Caleb was shocked by the arrival of his wife, who he is currently going through divorce proceedings with, earlier this week. However, things took a turn when their sudden passion was interrupted by Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter).

After looking through Tracy’s phone, Nate was convinced that she was having an affair with Caleb, and had gone round, determined to catch them in the act.

However, the sight of Caleb and Ruby completely threw him off, and in recent scenes he confessed to looking through Tracy’s phone, apologising to her for his suspicions.When he revealed that he knew she couldn’t be sleeping with Caleb because his wife was back on the scene, Tracy was horrified, and clearly felt very betrayed.

Later, as Tracy and Nate were preparing to leave the house, they bumped into Caleb, Ruby and son Nicky Milligan (Lewis Cope), and the awkward encounter saw the couple invited to drinks at the Woolpack, where Ruby was going to be introduced to the family.

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Though Ruby repeatedly introduced herself as Caleb’s wife, he was sure to point out to all of his family members that they are getting a divorce, something that Ruby was clearly not prepared to accept.

When Nicky asked his mum what had brought her back to the family, she revealed that someone had to stop the divorce from going through.

Meanwhile, Caleb tried to assure Tracy that he was just as unhappy about Ruby’s presence as she was, and that she wouldn’t be staying for long.

However, it was too little too late for Tracy, who asked what yesterday had been all about.

As Caleb said that was rich coming from her, who spent all of her time ”fawning over Nate’ in front of him, Tracy revealed that she was done with their affair, leaving Caleb blindsided.

Making excuses about having a headache, she convinced Nate to leave with her, giving Caleb no chance to try and change her mind.

Is this the end for Caleb and Tracy?


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