
Emmerdale star Danny Miller admits Aaron’s anger storyline was “tedious”

"I'm more than happy being the soft loveable rogue."

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Emmerdale star Danny Miller has admitted that he wasn’t a fan of the recent change in his character Aaron Dingle.

Danny returned to the role of Aaron last October and fans were shocked as the ITV soap explored a darker side to the popular character.

Aaron spent months upsetting his own family members, which included insulting Sam and cruelly bullying Vinny. He also put his uncle Cain in hospital with a brutal attack.

Since Aaron discovered that his mum Chas has breast cancer, he has started to change his behaviour by supporting her and offering to help out at The Woolpack.

chas dingle, aaron dingle, emmerdale

Speaking to Digital Spy and other press about exploring Aaron’s recent anger, Danny confessed: “To be honest, it gets a bit tedious. For years, I always said: ‘I want to be the bad boy. I want to say things that shock actors in line runs and rehearsals’.

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“Then you start to play it, and you start to see the audience reaction from it, and then you go: ‘Actually, I don’t like this’.

“I’m more than happy being the soft loveable rogue that Aaron has always been – with a bit of an edge, but not so much edge that he’s just being horrible to everyone.

“I had to say some horrible lines to Sam Dingle about him being a half-man, half-scarecrow. I couldn’t do it. It took ages to be able to do it, because me and Jim [Hooton, who plays Sam] were laughing at it almost because it was so shocking and so awful that it’s almost laughable.”

aaron dingle in emmerdale

He continued: “I’m enjoying playing more of the old Aaron and trying to tame him down a bit – now that his sole focus is his mum, getting her through this and doing whatever he can do to help her, like running the pub.

“I’ve been doing that – working behind the bar scenes, which is cool because I’ve never done it before. I think that’s Aaron’s sole focus, so getting on people’s nerves isn’t the main goal for him.

“He still does have that thing where he won’t have anyone messing with his family. It’s just being able to play the old Aaron, which is nice for me.”

Danny added that he understood why Emmerdale explored a different side to Aaron upon his return.

aaron dingle and liv flaherty in emmerdale


The character had faced years of tragedy – including losing his sister Liv in the village’s storm disaster in 2022.

He added: “Throughout the time I’ve been back, hundreds of people have said: ‘I don’t like Aaron like that, why is he like that?’

“But then you actually break it down. He lost Jackson, he lost Robert, he lost Ben, Liv died, his gran died, his dog died. He’s had so many things thrown at him.

“As tedious as it is to play, when you actually break it down, you can see why he’s like that. I can totally, totally understand why he would be angry at life.

“I know people in real life that are like that – they just want to fight with people all the time because they’ve nothing else to focus on, and the only bit of joy and happiness they get is in a good fight. To trigger that, you have to say some nasty things to some people to make them snap and do it.

“That’s how I sympathise with Aaron, but there’s ways of dealing with it. We’re slowly starting to get there again, which is nice for me and hopefully the audience.”

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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