
Emmerdale star Jurell Carter reveals Nate’s revenge on Caleb

"I don't think there'll ever be a reconciliation."

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Emmerdale‘s Nate Robinson continues to fight back against his deceitful uncle Caleb Miligan in Wednesday’s episode (March 6) as he carries out his revenge plan.

Nate is on a mission for payback after his wife Tracy betrayed him by starting a secret affair with Caleb late last year.

Determined to hit Caleb where it hurts, Nate teams up with his dad Cain and cousin Aaron to target the ruthless businessman’s chauffeur firm.

Digital Spy recently caught up with Jurell Carter, who plays Nate, for an exclusive chat about what’s in store.

nate robinson in emmerdale

Why is Nate so focused on getting revenge?

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“Nate has been feeling lost. He’s stuck because he’d like to go back to work, but he can’t return to the chauffeur company because he doesn’t trust Caleb.

“He now wants to take his cut and leave the business to Caleb, but Caleb is saying that isn’t possible because he hasn’t got the money to buy Nate out. That infuriates Nate.

“On top of that, we’ve just had the scene where Kim asked Nate why he’s let Caleb get away with the affair. That conversation is also in the back of Nate’s mind, especially as Kim asked where Nate’s pride is. Nate is a very proud man, so that annoyed him and he wanted to take action.”

What can you tell us about Nate’s plan?

“He thinks outside the box. Aaron has helped Nate to realise that it’s best to hit Caleb where it hurts – in his wallet.

“Nate comes up with a plan to take Caleb’s cars from him. Cain and Aaron eventually agree to help, so they all go and take Caleb’s cars from the chauffeur business.

“Afterwards, Nate wants to take it even further, because he still doesn’t feel like he’s got justice. He decides that it’s a good idea to trash Caleb’s beloved Bentley – obviously you’re talking close to £200,000 with the value of that, so it’s a lot of money!

“Cain and Aaron agree to join him and they go ahead with crushing Caleb’s car, which Nate feels is justified. He probably feels like Caleb is still getting away lightly.”

Do you think the audience will enjoy seeing Caleb get his comeuppance?

“Caleb is a villain but a loveable one at the same time. With this storyline, Caleb having an affair with his nephew’s wife was a step too far. I think the audience feel that Caleb and Tracy have both gone too far with that.

“Tracy was in a loving marriage with a husband who would have done anything for her and their daughter Frankie. I think the audience feels that Nate has been treated awfully, so they will probably feel like Caleb is getting his just desserts.”

caleb, nate, cain, emmerdale

Will Nate leave the feud there?

“Nate and Caleb did have a really nice relationship before this. Caleb took Nate under his wing and gave him a share of the business. Even when Nate was struggling financially, Caleb reached out and helped him.

“It was a nice uncle-nephew relationship – and I really enjoy working with Will [Ash, who plays Caleb]. I was enjoying the development of the relationship, but this has thrown a massive spanner in the works.

“Nate is massively focused on loyalty, the family unit and the Dingle code, so he will never feel like he’s got his justice. I think it’s going to be an ongoing thing. I just don’t know if Nate’s the type of person who can ever get over something like that.

“He adored Tracy and I don’t think there’ll ever be a reconciliation because it’s not something you can really ever get over. Then again, you could call Nate a hypocrite because obviously he did the same thing with his dad’s wife a few years ago!”

Would you like to see more of this Nate, Cain and Aaron dynamic?

“Definitely. I’ve said this to Jeff [Hordley, who plays Cain] and Danny [Miller, who plays Aaron] – I think those characters really work well together. They’re characters that you wouldn’t really want to mess with.

“It’d be interesting to see their journeys together, as they’re a strong unit. I’d love to see some storylines where they take down bad guys together.”

Have you enjoyed filming the affair fallout with Will and with Amy Walsh, who plays Tracy?

“It’s been amazing to do. It tests you and there are highly emotional scenes, but you want to be tested like that. I’ve really enjoyed it.

“I get on really well with Amy and Will, so we’ve been working together as friends and testing each other as actors. The directors have been amazing too, so it’s a collaborative effort and we all pull together.”

nate robinson and tracy metcalfe in emmerdale


How did you and Amy feel about Nate and Tracy breaking up so soon after their wedding?

“It’s bittersweet because we did enjoy working together. It was nice to see that family unit with Nate, Tracy and Frankie. But at the same time, it’s brilliant to play these great storylines.

“It’s happened very fast, but it’s soap and we know things don’t stay happy for too long. We knew something might be in the pipeline but we just didn’t know how soon. It’s sad that I’m not going to be working closely with Amy again, but it’s great to do.”

Did the producers warn you that Nate and Tracy were heading for trouble?

“Because the producers and storyliners have their long-term story meetings, we did know in advance. Sometimes decisions can be made last-minute, but we were given a heads-up with this one. It was a few months in advance, so we knew it was coming.

“We knew that Nate and Tracy were going to get married. Amy was on maternity leave at the time and we knew that when she came back, there’d be a wedding. We didn’t know how soon the break-up would happen. It took us by surprise, but in a good way.”

Would you like Nate to take Tracy back, or would that make him look weak?

“I feel like Nate is stronger than that. Nate and Tracy have got a child together and there’ll always be that love there. There will be scenes in the future where we see that care and love between them, regardless of what happened.

“It’s nice to see that. I’ve not got children myself, but I think once you’ve got a child together as a mother and father, there is always going to be that bond that you both have.

“In a romantic sense, I can’t see Nate forgiving Tracy and taking her back. Who knows, it could completely change, but I think it’d be going against Nate’s character.”

tracy robinson, nate robinson, moira dingle, emmerdale

When you first joined Emmerdale, Nate was painted as the villain in the Moira and Cain story, but now viewers seem to like him. How do you feel about the journey that he’s been on?

“That’s what I love about soap – you can see storyline arcs go on for years with transitions over a long period of time. There are audience members who will warm to your character and relate to your character, and certain audience members who will loathe your character! That’s just part of it.

“I’ve loved the journey my character has been on. I love the fact that when I first joined the show, I was the villain because Nate was coming between Moira and Cain, who are such a popular couple.

“I know that ruffled a lot of feathers for the audience members – and even now, there are people who love and loathe my character. But I like that, because all I’ve got to do is tell a story from the character’s point of view and be as believable as possible.

“I do feel there’s a lot of warmth there for Nate now. He has that vulnerability, but there’s still also the side where he can be a stern villain. As an actor, you want to be playing that contrast and that’s what helps the audience to warm to you.”

Would you like to see Nate’s mum Cara back?

“Carryl Thomas, who played Cara, was amazing – not only as an actor but also as a person. Everyone warmed to her on set and I’d love to see her back.

“Who knows what will happen, but I feel her character has a lot of legs in terms of where she could go with storylines and who she could be linked up with. Even with Cara and Nate as a mother and son duo, I think that’d be really nice to see.

“Carryl was only in for a couple of months and then she revisited the role for a few eps. I wanted to see more of her a few years ago, so I’d definitely love her back again and I think everyone on set would too.”

When you were training to become an actor, was it always your aim to get onto a show like Emmerdale?

“When I was at drama school, I knew that I wanted to do TV. I used to watch soaps like EmmerdaleEastEnders and Coronation Street with my friend in the evenings and we’d have conversations about being on one of those shows one day.

“It sounds proper cheesy to say, but weirdly I had a feeling that I would be on one of the soaps but I didn’t know which one! It was always the dream to be on a show like Emmerdale. It’s amazing to be part of because it’s my family’s favourite show.”

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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