
Emmerdale’s James Chase reveals ‘complex’ future for controlling abuser Tom King

Tom at the bar in the Woolpack in Emmerdale
A dark path lies ahead for Tom (Picture: ITV)

As Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) prepares to marry Tom King (James Chase) in Emmerdale, there’s no doubt that many viewers will be feeling uneasy about what the future has in store for the couple.

Almost from the moment that Tom reappeared in the village after many years living abroad, there was something ‘off’ about the character that was hard to pin down. Superficially kind and charming and obviously in love with Belle, Tom also had a more sinister, controlling and violent side.

This came out in the scene where he proposed to Belle, and angrily lashed out at her when she didn’t accept. This scene was revealed to viewers in flashback, but Belle and Tom decided to put it behind them and Belle didn’t tell anyone else.

‘When it happened he was terrified,’ James Chase told us. ‘He knew if Cain (Jeff Hordley) found out he would probably be dead or have his leg broken. But I think he trusts Belle enough to think that won’t come out. I think even he thinks that it was a one time mistake that just sort of happened – a freak incident.’

A freak incident, or part of a pattern of behaviour that’s actually quite disturbing? James speculated that Tom may not have changed all that much from the very disturbed individual he used to be when he was younger.

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‘I think he has stuff he didn’t deal with from when he was younger because obviously when he was in the village when he was a teenager he was lashing out, he terrorised Chas (Lucy Pargeter) and was very difficult,’ he said. ‘I think there is definitely some of that behaviour still residing in him.’

At Tom and Belle’s wedding and the reception afterwards, Tom gets increasingly annoyed by the loud antics of Belle’s family, the Dingles.

‘I think Tom is not used to the chaos of the Dingles but I think also it is because, as you will see at the wedding, they are all a bit Dingley and he is just annoyed that his quiet, special, genuine moments with Belle are constantly disrupted,’ James revealed.

Charles marries Belle and Tom in the church in Emmerdale
Tom has displayed controlling and abusive behaviour towards Belle (Picture: ITV)

‘I think he finds it frustrating and he has lost control. I think control is what it always comes back to. I don’t think he knows how to deal with their chaos. I would say he’s threatened a bit by the family as he is very ordered but they are chaotic and there isn’t a button that he can use to turn that off. When you get married to a Dingle you are thrust right into the middle of it and I don’t think he had estimated that.’

James told us that Tom’s insecurity comes from having no close relationships himself other than with Belle.

‘I think Tom is one of those guys that just when he gets in a relationship he puts all his eggs in one basket. And he’s done that with Belle as he loves her so much, and married her within a few months of being together.

‘I think he so afraid of losing her and that is partly why he is so insecure and I think partly why he acts in such a controlling way. Because he thinks that is how he will keep her. He loves Belle and prefers them just to be together and exclude everyone else.

‘I think Tom would love to have got married just the two of them on an Hawaiian island!’

James revealed that he knew when he was cast what was in store for his character and he’s looking forward to an interesting time ahead.

‘I don’t want to say too much but they made it clear when I joined what route the story would take,’ he said. ‘But I think that is what makes the role so much more interesting and complex. You want to play complex characters, don’t you?’

As to how disturbing things could get, when asked whether Tom could follow in his father Carl King (Tom Lister)’s footsteps, James had this to say:

‘He was a murderer. It would be fun. Everybody loves a villain!’

Now we’re seriously worried for Belle…

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