
EMMERWAIL Emmerdale ‘reveals’ new serial killer with explosive secret confession

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EMMERDALE has revealed Amit Sharma’s dark secret – and it’s worse than anyone could have imagined.

The businessman – who is played by actor Anil Goutam in the ITV soap – has been suspected of killing his brother Rishi after the latter died falling down the stairs.

Amit appears to be Emmerdale's newest serial killer

Amit appears to be Emmerdale’s newest serial killerCredit: ITV

Jai, who is Amit’s biological son, was convinced that Amit was responsible for his dad’s death.

That is until tonight when Amit presented Jai and son Suni with a copy of his will, leaving his share of The Hop to both of them jointly.

It had the desired effect of getting Jai to agree to a new start, but as it turns out, Jai was on the money in the first place.

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“I can’t believe they thought I was dying,” Amit said to his solicitor as they parked up in a car in a dark lane.

“But it worked, it worked a treat. It got Jai back on side. And it secured my sons’ futures.”

The solicitor said: “Well let’s hope this business is more of a success than your recent ones.

“And your recent inheritance from uncle Ravi helped pay for it.”

“It was a blessing,” said Amit.

“Everything’s as I wanted it and lucky for me I didn’t have to share my inheritance with Rishi.”

The solicitor replied: “Massively convenient him dying like that…”

Amit told him: “Poor Rishi, such a tragedy. Still it got me out of a bind, every cloud…”

His casual mention cements fan theories that Amit did in fact murder his brother – and now his motive has been revealed.

But there was another mention of another dead relative and will – Uncle Ravi?

Has Emmerdale introduced its newest serial killer and has he already killed twice before?

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