
FAMILY FEUD Emmerdale legend rushed to hospital and left fighting for their life after explosive family showdown

A second fight almost broke out by his hospital bedside

EMMERDALE legend Cain Dingle was left on the brink of death after he dramatically collapsed during tonight’s episode.

The head of the Dingle clan was rushed to hospital after he fell to the ground with a suspected head and brain injury.

Cain Dingle was left fighting for his life in tonight's Emmerdale

Cain Dingle was left fighting for his life in tonight’s Emmerdale

Whilst the root cause of the injury is yet to be formally determined, viewers of the ITV soap saw Aaron leave him unconscious the day before with a brutal battering.

In tonight’s episode, Cain had made his way home but shocked Moira when he revealed his harsh facial injuries from Aaron’s attack on him.

It seemed as though he was out for revenge as Moira also warned Aaron to back off and not mess with her husband.

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Unbeknown to the pair, Cain was already lurking in the scrap yard office, all ready for another “chat” with Aaron.

In the cabin, the rage and tension between them began to simmer before Cain threw him out of the cabin and looked all ready for a second bust-up.

A furious Cain insisted: “It was just round one!”

As they began to exchange a war of words, viewers were transported to Cain’s point of view as it appeared that his eyesight was going hazy as he struggled to hear or see what Aaron was saying to him.

Aaron could be heard ranting: “Go on then, hit me, see what happens.”

Cain could be seen shaking his head and appearing as though he was about to stumble as Aaron believed he was backing off.

He then crashed to the floor as he lost all sense of consciousness as Aaron panicked and attempted to wake him up.

Moira soon received a phone call from Aaron to tell her that Cain had been rushed to hospital following his collapse.

She was left panicked as she arrived and threatened Aaron as she made it clear that she was holding him purely responsible for Cain’s current state.

A second fight then broke out as Aaron failed to reassure her of what happened as he began to smirk.

Lunging toward him, Moira swung for Aaron as she remarked: “What are you smiling at?”

As this happened, the hospital room doors flew open to reveal Cain’s current state as he could be seen hooked up to various different monitors and machines to help keep him alive.

Moira then said: “If he doesn’t wake up, you’re going to prison.

“If he does – you’re a dead man walking!”

Will Cain make it out alive?

Cain and Aaron almost came to blows

Cain and Aaron almost came to blows

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