
FAMILY FEUD Jai Sharma makes big decision after Gabby Thomas betrays him in Emmerdale

Tensions build up at the Hide but can one resident change everything?

GABBY Thomas committed the ultimate betrayal against Jai Sharma as she allowed his biological father Amit into The Hide.

Next week, the Emmerdale businessman makes a big decision and his wife Laurel Thomas is at a loss.

Gabby Thomas decided to partner up with Amit Sharma

Gabby Thomas decided to partner up with Amit SharmaCredit: ITV
But Jai is having none of it

But Jai is having none of itCredit: ITV
And he makes a huge decision next week

And he makes a huge decision next weekCredit: ITV

Jai Sharma (portrayed by Chris Bisson) has made his aversion for his biological uncle Amit (Anil Goutam) clear in recent weeks.

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After finding out the treacherous character was his biological father, he was appalled to find out Amit was present when the man who raised him as his own, Rishi, passed away.

This led him to believe that Amit may have had something to do with Rishi’s death.

Jai disowned him as a result, urging him to leave the village but Amit, of course, never complied.

To top it all off, when he approached Gabby Thomas (Rosie Bentham) at The Hide, she was willing to partner up with him, much to Jai’s dismay.

Amit wooed Gabby to expand The Hide into a bigger business empire and while her decision is made, she has been aware of the tensions this could trigger in her own personal life.

Coming up on ITV, Gabby pays the price for betraying Jai as he pulls a sickie to avoid being around Amit.

Meanwhile, Gabby’s former stepmother Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) is frustrated by their feud.

Unfortunately, Gabby adds fuel to the fire by patronising Jai and he quits his job at The Hide on the spot.

Will Laurel be able to do anything to heal their relationship?

Will Jai ever be willing to hear Amit out and bond with him?

Viewers have agreed with Jai in his belief that there could be more to Amit’s presence on the day Rishi died.

While his cause of death was said to be accidental by the authorities, many fans of the Yorkshire-based program have speculated that a murderer could have targeted Rishi.

Many believed that serial killer Meena Jutla escaped from prison and returned to the Dales to cause more mayhem.

This was until Amit was revealed to have been present at Holdgate Farm when Rishi fell down his stairs to his death but he insists he didn’t kill his brother.

When he finally told Jai everything that happened on the day of Rishi’s death in July, 2023, Amit said: “We were up there and I was holding his shirt so he couldn’t run away, begging him almost.”

“Hating myself for doing it, hating him for making me.”

“Then he grabbed my hand and I was still holding his shirt. He yanked it, he simply lost his balance.”

But could there really be more to it, as Jai firmly believes?

Emmerdale airs weeknights from 7.30pm on ITV.

Laurel is caught up in the middle

Laurel is caught up in the middleCredit: ITV
But can she resolve things between Amit, Jai and Gabby?

But can she resolve things between Amit, Jai and Gabby?

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