
FAMILY WAR Emmerdale’s Amit Sharma’s shock secret discovered by son Jai

AMIT made a big mistake taking on Eric Pollard

EMMERDALE’S Jai Sharma has finally discovered the truth about biological father Amit – and vowed to destroy him.

The businessman – who is played by actor Chris Bisson in the ITV soap – realised Amit was up to something when he tried to suggest Eric Pollard was losing his mind.

Jai Sharma finally discovered the truth about biological dad Amit tonight

Jai Sharma finally discovered the truth about biological dad Amit tonightCredit: ITV
Amit overplayed his hand when he tried to con Eric Pollard

Amit overplayed his hand when he tried to con Eric PollardCredit: ITV

With Eric having already tried to raise the alarm to Jai, Jai realised what was truly going on and took the opportunity to follow Amit as he deposited the cash from The Hide to the bank.

He followed him and watched him hand it over to a loan shark before bragging that there was more to come.

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Amit then later returned to The Hide with a story claiming he had been mugged.

But after keeping silent when Amit rushed in pretending to have been mugged, Jai went to see Eric at his barn.

“You were right,” he said. “Amit is a liar, a conman and a thief.”

“Bit of an about turn…” said Eric.

Jai told him: “I saw him today handing over the takings of The Hide to that loan shark. Amit was saying to her there’s plenty more where that came from.

“I should’ve trusted my instincts. He’s a pathological liar and if he’s capable of that, what else is he capable of?”

He added: “Amit’s been playing us over, looking for weakness. He’s a predator.

“The police found no motive when they questioned him about my dad but I knew it. I felt it. Amit has had us all in his sights to rip us off, to exploit us.”

“And your poor dad sussed him out,” said Eric.

Jai replied: “And he ended up on the bottom of a flight of stairs. Amit is evil. I don’t want him near me or my family.

“I need to know what you’ve got on him and this time it needs to be watertight. To make him pay. He’s not going to know what’s hit him.”

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