
ITV Emmerdale fans rumble shock affair for Ella Forster after child murder twist

Emmerdale fans have worked out a potential affair for Ella Forster as she gets closer to one resident following the admission that she is a child killer

Emmerdale fans are convinced they’ve rumbled an affair for Ella Forster.

Last week, fans were stunned to learn that Ella – whose real name is Ruth – had killed her best friend Joanne when she was just 11. She was racked with jealously at the thought of losing June, who was Joanne’s mum, that she killed her friend.

Ella had been urged to leave the village by many, with the distaste towards her still clear – as the village struggle to accept what she had done. However, she looks set to stay after being persuaded.

Speaking about Ella’s feelings towards what happened in the past, Paula Lane – who plays Ella – said: “Ella is so ashamed of her past and she knows that as soon as she reveals all, she risks losing everything with Liam. Every time the truth has come out in the past, she has had to move on and start again, so it’s incredibly painful to share and know that there is no going back now.

“I guess she feels he deserves the truth especially with everything he went through with Leanna. It’s a heaviness she carries all the time in the back of her mind. Pretending to carry on as normal is a short term fix and behind closed doors the guilt is very real. Every birthday is a reminder of what happened and will never allow her to fully move on.”

Could Cain end up having an affair?

Could Cain end up having an affair? 

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Ella will find support in friend Mandy, who she met when she stood up for the villager at a veterinary event. “In a conversation with Mandy, Ella says she always had to run when the truth has been exposed. I expect she’s experienced this reaction quite a few times and then has found herself living out of her car again,” she said.

“Mandy and Ella from day one found something in each other that just sparked. I think because the two have admitted they both have dark pasts and haven’t made the best choices in life, there is a real empathy there and protective nature for each other.”

However, some fans are convinced she could end up having an affair with Cain Dingle. Cain was the one who sat and listened to her explain about her life and what led her up to the moment, and he is also the one who convinced her to stay in the village. Could it be the case that Ella and Cain end up getting closer, now that things have worsened between Ella and Liam and they’ve split for good?

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