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ITV Emmerdale fans rumble who will ‘save’ Moira Dingle as health issues worsen

Emmerdale fans believe they have worked out who will get Moira Dingle help after she suffered a seizure earlier this week, amid fears the actress may exit her role

Emmerdale fans believe they have worked out who will get Moira Dingle help after she suffered a seizure earlier this week, amid fears the actress may exit her role

Emmerdale fans are convinced they know who will get Moira Dingle help after she suffered a seizure.

Moira Dingle – who is played by Natalie J Robb – had a seizure earlier this week, leaving fans horrified that an exit might be on the cards for the fan favourite character. Moira has been acting out of sorts recently, with fans suspecting she might have a brain tumour.

Now fans are convinced they know who might notice the change in Moira and get her the help she needs. Taking to social media, some viewers theorised that young Isaac might be the one to get Moira help.

One wrote: “Is the now very talkative Isaac, the only one who has witnessed Moira fitting? Is that what he means by Mummy going wobbly again? Cain thinking she’s drunk,” whilst another added: “Oh no Isaac knows she’s not well! #Emmerdale.”

Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ heart-wrenching exit storyline for Moira Dingle

Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ heart-wrenching exit storyline for Moira Dingle 

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However, another suggested: “I don’t think that Isaac will tell Cain about Moira having the seizures, he said that he wouldn’t because Dad’s ‘grumpy’ He’s seen it more than once too #Emmerdale.”

Actress Natalie J Robb recently shared with The Mirror about her own health scare – and how she wanted to use the recent soap storyline as a way to raise awareness of seizures and how it might affect people.

“It was pretty scary as I found a lump in my right breast. I went to see the doctor who told me they were more worried about one on my left breast. I asked what they meant as I couldn’t feel anything. It was higher up,” she said.

“I went into overdrive and I had to go for a mammogram. Thankfully, it was a cyst and it was benign. Something like that does change your perspective though and I try to be as healthy and fit as I can be now. When I was told Moira would be suffering from a serious health condition, I knew I wanted to play my part in helping to raise awareness.”

She added: “A soap can play such a big role in shining a light on many different illnesses, as it has so brilliantly this year with Chas’ cancer diagnosis. As a soap actress, you are very much in the lap of the gods when it comes to your character and what happens to them. But I think it is important we do cover serious illnesses that hopefully will help people know they aren’t alone. I know I would be petrified if I started to have seizures and had no idea why.”

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/

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