
ITV Emmerdale viewers predict brutal murder plot after horrific car crash

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Ethan Anderson has landed in hot water with Nicky Miligan’s family after leaving his pal at death’s door in a car crash and Emmerdale fans believe he could be killed off.

The solicitor portrayed by soap star Emile John was arrested during Monday’s trip to the Dales when his own father Charles turned him in and matters only got worse for him during Tuesday’s (May 14, 2024) episode of the Yorkshire-based drama as he was questioned over the crash while Nicky remained comatose in hospital.

Nicky, played by Lewis Cope, was surrounded by his family as his pal suffered a gruelling interrogation, and his parents, Caleb and Ruby Fox-Miligan, continued to seethe as they faced Ethan’s father Charles Anderson in the Main Street café.

Nicky Miligan, Emmerdale

Viewers believe Ethan Anderson’s time in the village could end after he left pal Nicky Miligan to die in a car crash

Anger continued to brew throughout the episode, targeting Ethan as a furious Caleb warned the village vicar: “Ethan is going to pay for what he did.” The instalment eventually ended with the solicitor hiding out in a barn one viewer recognised. The soap fan took to X, otherwise known as Twitter, and penned: “So why isn’t Ethan in the cricket pavillion? This storyline does not make any sense – he’s in the place where people get shot, locked in or beat up!”

Another added as they speculated that tough man Cain Dingle could let his temper get the best of him again as he may help his half-brother Caleb, despite their rocky relationship: “The Dingles are going to FINISH Ethan. I think he is better off inside than out.” They then added: “Oh dear…Cain & Caleb are going to unalive Ethan!”

“Ethan is going to be wishing he was still locked up once the Dingle’s get a hold of him especially Ruby & Caleb Also as much as Charles might hate himself right now, he did the right thing. Ethan more bothered about his career, than Nicky’s life”, another TV watcher chimed in.

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“Thought Caleb had kidnapped him at first but seems gone to the barn himself? Think prison cell looked more glamorous”, one soap fan jumped in as the episode ended with a shot of the barn Ethan had secretly taken refuge in. One final viewers was appalled by Ethan’s choice of hiding place: “Couldn’t a lawyer afford a nice hotel rather than staying in a barn?”

Comeuppance is already on its way to Ethan and it’s only a matter of time before he is also left for dead after a hit-and-run. In scenes due to air on ITV next week, Caleb and Ruby continue to ruminate, appalled to see him roaming the village without a care. But when a village fete ends with a bloodied and bruised Ethan limping towards fellow residents, another whodunnit is set to kick off…

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