
NUMBERS UP Emmerdale fans call out glaring Mack and Moira blunder as bosses ‘rewrite soap history’

Fans are upset by how much Moira's backstory has been changed from when she originally arrived on the show.

EMMERDALE fans have called out a glaring Mack and Moira blunder as bosses ‘rewrite soap history’.

Moira Dingle – played by Natalie J. Robb – has been part of the ITV soap since July 2009, while on-screen brother Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) arrived in the village in 2020.

Emmerdale fans have called out a glaring Mack and Moira blunder as bosses 'rewrite soap history'

Emmerdale fans have called out a glaring Mack and Moira blunder as bosses ‘rewrite soap history’Credit: ITV
Moira's maiden name has been changed along with elements of her backstory

Moira’s maiden name has been changed along with elements of her backstoryCredit: ITV
The age gap between Moira and her brother Mackenzie has also been altered

The age gap between Moira and her brother Mackenzie has also been alteredCredit: Not known, clear with picture desk

Moira’s backstory was originally that her maiden name was Woodall and she was born in 1971, before fleeing an abusive home.

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But an eagle-eyed fan has noticed another fan site has listed her maiden name as Boyd.

In a Reddit post, the fan posted the screenshots under the title: “Just like they’ve changed Mackenzie’s age they’ve changed Moira’s maiden name. They never check back stories.”

A fellow Emmerdale viewer replied: “Moira also called her mother back in the day on Christmas with John and the kids but turn round to 2020 and she hasn’t seen em in decades.

“Also think she went to stay with her mum after the affair with Cain happen like the show forget so much of the past these days.”

Another replied: “Sometimes recons are “necessary” to tell a good story or “fix” things. Little tweaks like changing Livs age etc.

“But I still maintain that Moiras childhood is one of the stupidest retcons I can think of. There was so much backstory that tied her to the original one that it was just a big waah? moment, and it wasnt even needed.

“It was just some cheap drama that was over in a hot minute anyway. Mack didnt need all of this drama just to be introduced. He could have just came to see his sister, they could even keep their mother dying as the reason, and then he just… stays.”

One viewer asked what the age changes referred to, and a fellow fan replied: “Mackenzie is old enough to remember him and Moira being home as kids together.

“So he should be 40 at least. But because they never gave a specific age and the actor is 30, the writers wrote as being younger and there being a supposed age gap between him and Charity.”

Another responded: “When Mack first came in.2020 Moira said when she left he was the same age as Kyle who was nine at the time making him 8 years younger than Moira. Now he’s 12 years younger.

“Charity actually mentioned he was six when Moira left. So he’s gone from 43 to 40.”

Emmerdale airs on ITV1 and is available on ITVX.

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