
What is wrong with Dawn and Billy’s baby Evan in Emmerdale?

Billy and Dawn cradle Evan in Emmerdale
Evan is currently in hospital (Picture: ITV)

Dawn Taylor (Olivia Bromley) and Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle) are facing a stressful ordeal in Emmerdale after their baby son Evan was rushed into hospital.

Recently in the ITV soap, Evan tumbled off his changing table. The worried parents rushed him to hospital but fortunately, the doctor said he was fine, and that Billy and Dawn should bring him back if his behaviour suddenly changes.

Sadly, Dawn then found a bruise on Evan’s leg and took him back to A&E after advice from Liam (Jonny McPherson).

After tests, Dawn and Billy were left devastated as the doctor revealed that Evan was a ‘very poorly little boy’, before explaining that he could be suffering from an infection, auto-immune disease or a type of blood cancer, like Leukaemia.

As this emotional storyline gets underway, it’s time to take a look at what’s ahead for Dawn and Billy, and the other characters involved.

What illness does Dawn and Billy’s baby have in Emmerdale?

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While Dawn and Billy don’t have a confirmation just yet, we know little Evan will receive a diagnosis for Leukaemia.

Children with the illness may experience anaemia, or bruise and bleed easily. They are also prone to contracting infections, which last longer than usual.

According to Cancer Research UK, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) is the most common type of leukaemia diagnosed in children.

‘This is an incredibly challenging and heartbreaking story, but such an important story for Emmerdale to tell,’ said actress Olivia Bromley.

‘I’ve learnt so much since working with Leukaemia Care and speaking to parents whose children have been diagnosed, and we want to not only raise awareness but to do justice to the experience of families who are blindsided by a diagnosis like this.

Charity Leukaemia Care are working closely with Emmerdale on this storyline to ensure a realistic and authentic depiction. Colin Dyer, CEO, commented: ‘Every year 10,000 people are diagnosed with leukaemia in the UK.

‘A leukaemia diagnosis can affect not just the patient, but also their loved ones such as friends and family.

‘The Baby Evan storyline being featured on Emmerdale, is helping to deliver a very important message not just about the awareness of the symptoms and the condition, but about how it affects the family and those around them.’

How will Billy and Dawn cope with the diagnosis?

Dawn and Billy holding each other while talking to a doctor in Emmerdale
Dawn and Billy will be told Evan has leukaemia (Picture: ITV)

Understandably, Billy and Dawn find themselves incredibly overwhelmed with emotion throughout Evan’s journey.

While they receive support from the likes of Kim (Claire King), Lydia (Karen Blick) and Will (Dean Andrews), Billy and Dawn must juggle Evan’s care while looking after their other two children, Lucas and Clemmie.

Discussing this storyline, actor Jay Kontzle said: ‘I feel like when you’re going through something like that – because I’ve had a child in hospital for a day and it was the worst thing ever – I think your life stops. Even with people that work in hospital, that’s their job and they’re working around, and they do everything obviously that they can possibly can to help out. But your life, initially, stops and nothing else comes in.’

‘So, when you add those other families in hospital that are in hospital, you just going to a coffee machine every day and having a natter with someone, means a lot. Those types of things, for me, if they’re integrated into the story would be really strong for people that can relate to it.

He added: ‘Because you can have those conversations that end up bringing out laughter and they are the highlights of your day. They make you actually happy and it stows little glimmers of light that you need to get you through your day because you are deflated anyway, and you are chasing for that little bit of happiness.’

Who is Dawn’s mum Rose, and how is she involved?

Rose stood in front of Will with her arms folded in new Emmerdale promo picture
Rose has caused trouble since her arrival (Picture: ITV)

Rose Jackson, played by Christine Tremarco, made her arrival last week.

She is Dawn’s mum and Will’s ex-partner. During her introductory scenes, we learnt Rose had no interest in being a mum to Dawn after the birth, and left Will to bring their baby up on his own.

When Dawn came across Rose, she wasted no time in saying she doesn’t want anything to do with her.

Kim’s attempt at getting rid of Rose failed miserably this week. The new face is now up at Home Farm, and will play a role in Evan’s storyline too.

Though, given this is a soap, it probably won’t be long until we find out Rose has a secret or ulterior motive for being in the Dales too.

Revealing more about Rose’s arrival, Olivia explained: ‘Yeah, I think it’s a bit like… You know when you say, “all things happen at once”? That’s real life, isn’t it? Because I remember when I heard about this story, I thought, “gosh, that’s a lot for these characters to deal with.” But that’s also life, isn’t it? Nothing’s linear, it’s not like one issue is solved and then then you move on to the next.

‘They just get thrown into this whirlwind. But also, I guess, for Dawn, it’s this very interesting thing, because she’s a new mother, which is a massively important part of her identity. And then her mother comes in who’s abandoned her. And everything that Dawn is doing is now worried about this child and all her mother instincts.

She added: ‘And then she’s got this mother figure who didn’t have any of that feeling towards her and wasn’t at all engaged. So that’s quite a weird dynamic to play as an actor, and also for the all the characters, because Rose is looking at this little baby, and it’s very sick, and her own daughter, and she’s had nothing to do with them ever. And I guess it’s quite a difficult dynamic to approach.

‘So, I think in answer your question – for Dawn, with Rose, she initially just doesn’t want to have anything to do with this figure.

‘And it’s probably the vulnerability of the situation that opens her up to maybe exploring that relationship more because she realises that actually she might need that support in a life.’

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